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[hands playing piano]

I teach piano from my home in High Shincliffe, Durham. Lessons are tailored to each student, but I aim to include elements of theory and musicianship alongside practical and technical ones (learning to read music, learning pieces, sight reading) during each lesson.

I also like to introduce improvising and learning to accompany simple songs using chords, and to encourage students to find new styles of music to enjoy by accessing free sheet music online.

For younger learners (5 and 6) I recommend a 15 minute lesson. For age 7 to Prep Test standard I recommend a half hour lesson each week; older students, or Grades 1 to 4, need a longer lesson so I would suggest 45 minutes per week; and for higher grades (5 – 8) an hour's lesson per week.

I am very happy for parents to sit in on lessons — I feel it is important for parents as well as students to feel completely comfortable with lessons and with the progress being made.

If you would like to take Practical Musicianship, an extra 15 minutes per week will enable you to gradually work through the grades, or half an hour per week works well if you want to do a ‘crash course’ and get to Grade 5 quickly.

“[My son] looked forward to the lessons and really benefitted from them, they boosted his confidence generally as well as musically.” (Parent)

Contact: Kate Ward
07787 241847