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[piano lesson]

I think learning the piano should be fun! I started lessons when I was 7 years old, with a lovely teacher who was kind and encouraging, which made me want to learn. I try to model myself on her, and not on the rather fierce teacher I had later whose lessons I dreaded!

I try to encourage musicianship from an early age — improvising can be great fun for example — but without putting students on the spot. I use duets too, and also try to introduce ‘jazzier’ or modern pieces so students get to try out different styles of playing.

“I think Kate has a kind and positive teaching style — especially if you make a mistake!” (Student)

“Within a few weeks [my son] was able to start using the techniques he'd learnt from Kate, in his church band, at music workshops or when making music with friends.” (Parent)

Contact: Kate Ward
07787 241847